October 13, 2010

Still Learning

I had a blog, once.  It was before blogger, livejournal, facebook or myspace (remember myspace?).  I had a website where I had a blog running MovableType, and for a while, it was a lot of fun.  Then spam hit.  I spent more time clearing out the spam then I did blogging.  Eventually, I deactivated comments altogether, and that robbed all the joy out of it.  When myspace/facebook came along, the need to keep my friends and family informed of my doings shifted to social media platforms and away from my then-stagnate blog, and I deactivated the website, its blog, and picture gallery.

All this to say that I’ve been crawling over other blogs, and I like some of what they are doing.  A lot has changed in the 6 years since I last blogged regularly.  There are a lot of neat blogging tools I’m playing with.  This post, for example, is written in Windows Live Writer, and I’m really liking it so far.  Other suggestions?  Let me know. 

I intend to go back and add some more context, dramatis personae, and other helpful anecdotes to many of the posts I just flooded the blog with as time allows me to do so.

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