October 18, 2010

Kung Fu: The Fencing Continues

My Kung Fu is weak sauce today, because I am really hurting after a day of:
1) Homework.  My night classes.  They will not end.
2) Fencing.  The digging bar workout.  It may not kill me, but I don’t think it’s making me any stronger, either.
3) Cabinet Hardware on cold floor.  I  finished the hardware on the island, but the floor is cold and the high cost of heating oil is preventing me from turning on the hydronic heat just yet.  

There is some sort of limit that could probably help you, the audience, understand why I would suffer on a cold floor when I have the option of having it heated. 

There are some givens you will need. 
1.  I am 100% Dutch-American.  We are not known for spending money willy-nilly.
2.  Last winter we dropped about $500.00 a month on heating oil in the winter.   It’s about 3 bucks a gallon, and our tank is 120 gallons.  And I never have the thermostat set higher than 60F.  The normal is 55F. 

I’m hoping to see some savings, this year, with the kitchen being insulated better, the floor being functional, etc.  I still have major drafts in the very old doors, but the windows are all a couple years old, so I’m good there.  The doors are on my agenda, but they’re not near the top.

Here are a few status shots of the various ongoing projects.
Becca's Pumpkin Carving Party 018Becca's Pumpkin Carving Party 019Becca's Pumpkin Carving Party 025

** I completely made this up. If you couldn’t tell. 
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