I’m aware of my growing absence from the site. I have content for you; I promise. I just don’t have time to present it in an interesting way. The reasons for this are four-fold:
- The car that is supposed to be my project car is currently my daily driver because Dani’s Jeep is on jackstands in the shop where I am gradually losing the will to live trying to fix it.
- The project car has needed a lot of attention to become drivable.
- The office where I blog from hasn’t had Air Conditioning until a couple of weeks ago, and it’s been HOT.
- I came across a ridiculously good book and it’s sequel, who’s length runs nearly 2000 pages. It’s a newer author. I have feasted upon his prose and it has left my appetite for words diminished; like a good meal.
But I could hardly allow Father’s Day to pass by and fail to acknowledge my father on a blog he practically ghost-writes. His tireless devotion to better himself, his family, and his home is the inspiration for this site and the projects documented on it. So…thanks for everything, Dad. Love ya.
Recent phone call topics:
- How to get a coil off the Jeep
- How to drop a transmission
- How to get some rusted bolts out of a cross-member
- How to remove a strut when the top bolt is rusted on and turning it just turns the whole strut
My father-in-law deserves some acknowledgement, too. His frequent stops to the house are a god-send.
Oh, and he drives a camo van. So he’s got that going for him, too. I’ve borrowed it. I get lots of looks. Mainly from the ladies.
More coming. Pinky swear.