My Twitter followers already know that I'm having some computer issues. My on-board NIC died, so the computer can't get on the internet. I ordered a replacement part, only to receive the wrong one. Ughhh.
The new one will be here today, so hopefully I can find the time to install it and finish a draft post by the weekend.
Quick update, sans pictures. Plumbing, insulation, and drywall are all done at Pikesville. Mudding is happening this weekend.
The back log of projects at home is growing daily, though. The disposal stopped working, and now the sink smells awful. Still no base or toilet or sink on the main floor.
In other news, I'm kinda in to these guys right now.
Sugar Glider. Adorable. Look at that face. Come on. Don't pretend. I have a beard, and I can still acknowledge these things are heart-melty. Non-bearded ones have no resistance.
Oh, you had a beard, but now you don't?
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The new one will be here today, so hopefully I can find the time to install it and finish a draft post by the weekend.
Quick update, sans pictures. Plumbing, insulation, and drywall are all done at Pikesville. Mudding is happening this weekend.
The back log of projects at home is growing daily, though. The disposal stopped working, and now the sink smells awful. Still no base or toilet or sink on the main floor.
In other news, I'm kinda in to these guys right now.
Sugar Glider. Adorable. Look at that face. Come on. Don't pretend. I have a beard, and I can still acknowledge these things are heart-melty. Non-bearded ones have no resistance.
Oh, you had a beard, but now you don't?
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