How exciting right?! Warmer weather, cuter clothes, flowers, and best of all flip flops! Spring is not my favorite season but it has got to be the most exciting. The pure anticipation of everything summer; and it all starts with these tiny green sprouts coming out of the cold brown earth.
These bulbs I am particularly excited to see because I moved them last year to a bed closer to the house that had absolutely no color. We have a lot of great plants in our yard that were here before us, which is fun, but it’s also great to add new things and change it around. The trick is knowing when to dig them up and when to replant them. Bulbs shouldn’t be removed from the ground until they are done flowering. It is good to dig them up and separate them every couple years. They can be stored in a cool dry place in a paper bag or box until you are ready to plant them.
I forget what these are called. My dad told me last year but I’m really bad with plant names. Anyway they are overflowing from the bed that runs along the fence next to the pond.
This however is the other side of spring…
Collecting and burning, or moving all the branches and twigs that fell during the snow and wind of the winter.
Filling in bald spots in the yard and dealing with huge piles of leaves that missed the snow fall deadline.
Seeing if the experiment of covering the vegetable garden will produce the desired result of no weeding before plants go in.
We’re trying to wrap up the remaining wintery indoor projects, and then we can get started on some new and unfinished outside ones. We have a long list of yard project to do, but that’s ok, I love being outside.