April 2, 2011

Vaulting a Bathroom Ceiling

On occasion, I’ll grant some lucky friend or family member the glorious gift of me doing physical labor on their behalf.  This was one of those times. 


My Father-in-law does a lot for Dani and I, and so when he asks for some help around his house, I drop everything gradually work my way over there to help him out.


The upstairs bathroom in their house is a bit cramped and there are no windows.  As it’s not an option to make the bathroom any bigger, he’s opted to go up, instead.  By eliminating the small attic space overhead, he’s able to get vaulted ceilings and put in a skylight to allow some natural light into the room.  He called me in to help put in some studs and drywall.  Willow and I jumped in the car and off we went.


Here’s how the room was when I got there.  He’s taken down the ceiling and relocated some ceiling joists.


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Now I’m a bit of a stickler for doing things the right way the first time.  This slows down my progress on a lot of things.  My Father-in-law isn’t.  I don’t think he’ll be too offended by that.  Here’s how I imagine he decides if he should do a project:




And when he’s done, I think it goes something like this:




While his approach may not be my own, I have to say that he gets far far more done than I do. 


Ok, back to the task at hand.


We needed to add some studs for the drywall to adhere to.  You can see in the picture above with the roofline that there’s just nothing there. 



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Willow came by to check on our progress.


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Once all the studs were in place, we put in some drywall and called it a day.


When I went outside to head home, I found Periwinkle on my car.(!)  I dared not shoo her off in fear that she would use her claws for traction, so I waited around for a few minutes for her to get bored.


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He’s over there mudding and filling in the gaps from the not-exactly-correct-size drywall pieces.  I’m sure there’s more help needed over there; so more to come on this project.

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