Drywall is up! Wow what a difference it makes. In truth, I feel the room is small right now, but the math side of my brain knows better. I'm not sure why the drywall does that... is it just me?
It's so good to have it up. Electric is in, lights are working.. it feels like a room.
Let's not rest on our laurels, though. Time to start mudding. Dad hates mudding. But he's really good at it, and so he ends up doing it a lot. But, seeing as how the budget doesn't have room for someone else to do it, it's him.
Wow, I'm just noticing how the old color, when next to the new drywall, looks even more gross than it did previously.
Dad was a rock star with mudding. I didn't have to do anything but sand on this project. Lots and lots and lots of sanding. He's rightfully proud of knocking this all out in a pretty short time frame.