November 29, 2010

Sealing Door Drafts

The original section of the house still has the original doors from the early 1930s.  This means they didn’t come pre-hung, and the frames around them are by no means perfect.  I can see daylight through them.  They also have keyholes all the way through that allow some mean drafts.




I replaced the original doorknob this summer after the deadbolt stopped working. 


Well, it’s getting cold outside, now.  Hard-nipples cold-toes cold.  As I’ve mentioned previously, we spend far too much money on heating oil for the boiler.  I’m hoping the kitchen radiant floor Dad and I installed last winter will help this year, but I need to find other ways to hold in the heat.  One way to do this is to seal up those drafts. 


I bought some Insulation Tape and headed outside.  It was a windy day, so I was able to feel the drafts before and after to see how well it worked.



This stuff was easy to work with, pliable, and inexpensive.  It will definitely pay for itself this winter.  After I installed it on the two doors,  I went inside and felt for drafts.  None! 


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Now I just have to get it into the dog’s brains that they can’t stand by that door to be let out.

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